
Showing posts from March, 2018


This week we read the Easter Story and handled some objects to do with Easter; a cross, a chick, an Easter Egg and Hot Cross Buns. We learnt about what happened to Jesus when he was a man and lots of the children could remember when they learnt about Jesus as a baby. We could talk about the objects in relation to the Easter story. We have been practising our cutting skills by cutting around an egg shape. We persevered when we found the curved lines tricky. We sat really well when watching the Year 1 performance of Eddie the Penguin. We enjoyed the singing and some of us even joined in with the words. On Friday we did really well completing the obstacle course for Sports Relief. We also had fun doing stop and move to 'Just Dance.' We have some tadpoles in Nursery and have been looking carefully to see how they are changing. It will be interesting to see how they have grown over the weekend. Next week we are going to be looking at all the sounds we have learnt so far in...

Animal patterns

This week in Nursery we have been exploring patterns on different animals and used non-fiction books to find information. We looked at pictures of different people and tried to spot any similarities and differences between them. The children were good at talking about their hair and some pointed out how they were the same and different to members of their family. In Maths we were learning how the total number of objects stays the same even when it is moved in different ways. We used ladybird spots to help us. The children have done some wonderful paintings of animal patterns such as tigers, zebras, crocodile skin and peacock feathers. We have been very impressed by how carefully the children looked at the pictures. In Woodlands we made a nest using different natural materials we could find. We loved exploring the muddy kitchen, making soup, cakes and jumping in the puddles. In the afternoon we made mud angels and enjoyed sitting and bathing in the mud. Next week is science week...

Book Week

We have had a lovely snowy week in Nursery listening to the children talk about the characters and stories in their favourite books. What a wonderful range of stories your children enjoy at home. We loved reading all the different stories and the Nursery children enjoyed listening to them. In Nursery we read the story The Magic Porridge Pot, which was originally from Germany. The children were able to join in with the repeated words in the story 'Boil pot boil' and 'Stop pot stop'. We had great fun acting it out. The children worked really hard with Mrs Earley, concentrating very carefully on drawing their favourite book characters for their story crowns. In P.E. we explored different ways of moving using the apparatus. We rolled over the mats, jumped across the rope, ran around the cones and slid up and down the planks. The children also showed us jumping, hopping and skipping. Next week we will be thinking about animal colours and the similarities and differen...