Animal patterns

This week in Nursery we have been exploring patterns on different animals and used non-fiction books to find information. We looked at pictures of different people and tried to spot any similarities and differences between them. The children were good at talking about their hair and some pointed out how they were the same and different to members of their family.

In Maths we were learning how the total number of objects stays the same even when it is moved in different ways. We used ladybird spots to help us.

The children have done some wonderful paintings of animal patterns such as tigers, zebras, crocodile skin and peacock feathers. We have been very impressed by how carefully the children looked at the pictures.

In Woodlands we made a nest using different natural materials we could find. We loved exploring the muddy kitchen, making soup, cakes and jumping in the puddles. In the afternoon we made mud angels and enjoyed sitting and bathing in the mud.

Next week is science week, so we will be exploring bubbles. We will be reading the story 'The Princess and the Wizard' by Julia Donaldson and making up our own sound effects using instruments.

Our sound of the week is h.


  1. I liked learning about the letter 'h' as that is the first sound of my brother's name, Harry. My favourite animal pattern was the pattern on a giraffe. I also enjoyed playing in the mud kitchen and making mud soup!


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