Book Week

We have had a lovely snowy week in Nursery listening to the children talk about the characters and stories in their favourite books. What a wonderful range of stories your children enjoy at home. We loved reading all the different stories and the Nursery children enjoyed listening to them.

In Nursery we read the story The Magic Porridge Pot, which was originally from Germany. The children were able to join in with the repeated words in the story 'Boil pot boil' and 'Stop pot stop'. We had great fun acting it out.

The children worked really hard with Mrs Earley, concentrating very carefully on drawing their favourite book characters for their story crowns.

In P.E. we explored different ways of moving using the apparatus. We rolled over the mats, jumped across the rope, ran around the cones and slid up and down the planks. The children also showed us jumping, hopping and skipping.

Next week we will be thinking about animal colours and the similarities and differences between different animals. You could support the children by looking at the similarities and differences in your appearance, such as eye and hair colour and height.

We will be going to Woodlands again on Wednesday 7th March so please ensure your child has wellies and an all-in-one suit in school. They will be exploring the muddy kitchen on this visit so it is important that they are dressed appropriately.

Our sound of the week is r.


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