
The children had a lovely time on Monday celebrating the school's 50th birthday. All the children made colourful and sparkly birthday crowns and enjoyed eating the birthday cake. We read Kipper's birthday and some children were able to predict what they thought would happen in the story.

In Literacy we have been retelling the story of Little Red Riding Hood using the puppets.

We have been learning about Harvest and why it is celebrated. We looked at different fruits and vegetables and talked about their shapes as we printed them using paints.

The morning children sang the harvest song we have been learning in assembly and joined in with the actions. Afternoon Nursery sang to Mrs Byrne when she came to see us on Friday afternoon.

The children have really enjoyed using the i-Pads in Learning through Play this week. We will be using them next week to move objects across the screen.

In our Outside Area the children have enjoyed playing in the cardboard house and sweeping up all the leaves.

Next week we will be reading the 'Three Little Pigs.'

Our sound of the week will be 'a'.


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