The children have had an enjoyable week learning about Africa and how it is different to Redbourn. We read the story 'We're Going on a Lion Hunt' and acted it out in P.E. Lilly liked pretending to swim in the water and William liked walking on the benches. James, Blake, Freya and Jay all enjoyed using the African drums to make different sound effects for the story 'We're Going on a Lion Hunt.' We looked at some South African houses from the Ndebele tribe. They had lots of bright colours and shapes. We made our own ones, printing shapes onto card. Eva said she 'did a beautiful house. I put red and blue and green and then blue on it.' Jake painted a house. 'It looked like a triangle.' On Tuesday we did some African dancing in assembly. Skyla liked dancing to the African music. Isobel liked turning around while we were washing. Coco liked wriggling her bottom when we had to wash. We were lucky to have Andre's Dad come in to talk about ...