Hot Air Balloons and Caravans
We have had a busy week in Nursery. The children have been using positional language and following instructions to place people in different parts of a caravan. We have been finding out about Hot Air Balloons and lots of the children could explain they needed fire to work and that this helped them go upwards. We have been making Hot Air Balloons with papier mache, but just need to add the baskets. We had a fun time at Woodlands, testing cars on different surfaces and finding leaves with different numbers of parts. The children did really well recording how many parts the leaves had and used numbers or spots to show how many there were. These children have shown excellent characteristics of learning this week. Blake was like Bee and was good at deciding how to make a bridge for the car in Woodlands. Emily tested her ideas like Fox by testing the cars on different surfaces at Woodlands. Ryan had a go like Blue Tit and recorded his ideas using a whiteboard. Ethan concentrated really...