
Showing posts from April, 2018

Growing and Monet

This week we have been learning about the artist Monet. We found out that he lived a long time ago, had a big beard, lived in a pink house and painted by making splodges. We liked looking at one of his waterlily paintings and read the story Katie and the Waterlily Pond. In the Creative Area we used blue, green and lilac tissue paper to collage a background to look like the pond. We cut out lily pads and folded tissue paper on top to make the lilies. Our tadpoles are continuing to grow and by the end of the week we could see some tiny legs growing out the back of the tadpoles. Sophia watched Mrs Keith clean the tadpoles out and she was very concerned that she didn't frighten them. Our plants have been growing in the greenhouse and we have been making sure we have been looking after them by watering them. Some were getting too big for the yoghurt pots so we replanted them. Freya noticed that the plants had roots at the bottom. Reception have been looking after some eggs this we...

Welcome back

Welcome back to Nursery. We hope you enjoyed the Easter holidays. We were pleased to see so many children bringing in the seeds they have started to grow. We will be keeping them in the Nursery greenhouse so that the children can continue to look after them and watch how they change over the next few weeks. This week the children told us about what they did in the Easter holidays and drew pictures and wrote about what they did. They were very excited to tell us about all the things they had done. We still have the tadpoles in Nursery but they are growing quickly. This week we fed them cucumber and can see their mouths opening to munch it. We did an experiment with daffodils to see what would happen if we put them in boiling water and what would happen if we put them in the fridge. The daffodils in the fridge look the best at the moment and the ones in boiling water are shrivelling up. On Friday the children helped to celebrate the opening of Redbourn Primary School. Jake, the y...