Ten Green Bottles
This week we have been continuing with the theme of 'green.' In Maths we sang the song Ten Green Bottles and recorded in different ways how many bottles were left. We used whiteboards to represent numbers as digits or pictures and numicon to explore different ways of making numbers. We also sang Five Green and Speckled Frogs and used our fingers to show how many were left. In Understanding of the World we have been using the computers to draw pictures. The children had to use the mouse to select the colour they wanted by clicking. The children did well remembering to click with the blue button and they had a good attempt at controlling the mouse. In P.E. we had the benches, tables and planks out. The children explored different ways of travelling over, under and through the apparatus. They enjoyed crawling down the planks, sliding across the benches and jumping like a frog. The children have been showing excellent skills of concentration when drawing kiwis and limes. The...