

We have had an exciting week learning about wheels. The children had a great time on our Nursery Trip to Stockwood Park. We did a workshop and looked for the biggest and smallest wheel in the gallery. We then had to measure the wheels using a tape measure. There were lots of different wheels - on carriages, cars and bicycles. We listened to the story 'Mrs Armitage on Wheels' and helped stick on the new parts of her bike. We went to the sensory garden and found the prettiest, largest, nicest smelling and softest plant. We then did a trail of the park, finding chickens, a tractor, lion statues, a statue of a tortoise and a honeysuckle bench. The children loved going on the coach and were very well behaved the whole day. Thank you so much to all the parents, grandparents and carers who were able to help. This week we also learnt how to use the Woodwork Area safely. We had a go at banging a nail into some wood using a hammer and talked about the different tools in the area. We ...

Horses and Unicorns

The children came back well to Nursery and were keen to share what they had been up to over half term. We were very proud of the way the children performed in our May Dance before the half term break. This week our topic has been Horses and Unicorns. In our Small World Area we have been acting out stories using the Unicorns and Ponies. They went swimming in the sea, sang songs and rescued one of the baby unicorns from the 'bad' unicorn. We have been playing Maths games this week, trying to match the number of spots to the number on the dice. We have also been checking to see if we can find the right numeral to match. This has been great for turn taking. We used the computer to find information on how people travelled before there were cars. Lulu guessed they used ponies and some other children thought they would walk. We also found out that horses have special shoes to wear and that they go to the Blacksmith to have them fitted. We read the story Sugarlump and the Unico...

Hot Air Balloons and Caravans

We have had a busy week in Nursery. The children have been using positional language and following instructions to place people in different parts of a caravan. We have been finding out about Hot Air Balloons and lots of the children could explain they needed fire to work and that this helped them go upwards. We have been making Hot Air Balloons with papier mache, but just need to add the baskets. We had a fun time at Woodlands, testing cars on different surfaces and finding leaves with different numbers of parts. The children did really well recording how many parts the leaves had and used numbers or spots to show how many there were. These children have shown excellent characteristics of learning this week. Blake was like Bee and was good at deciding how to make a bridge for the car in Woodlands. Emily tested her ideas like Fox by testing the cars on different surfaces at Woodlands. Ryan had a go like Blue Tit and recorded his ideas using a whiteboard. Ethan concentrated really...


This week we have been learning about trains. We have been very impressed with how the children have approached making a train using the junk modelling. We have seen lots of characteristics of learning linked to the animals in our learning wood; concentrating, planning and ideas. It was great to see how the children used their knowledge of shape to find objects to make their trains. In Maths we have been learning how a total stays the same when none of the objects are added or taken away. We used trains and put the small people into the carriages. We have been enjoying our school role play and pretending to be teachers. The children have really been able to take on a role and have been doing great impressions of us!!! We started our May Dance in P.E., dancing to 'Daisy, Daisy'. The children all joined in and thought of some moves for the dance. We will be continuing this for our P.E. sessions over the next few weeks. It was lovely that so many of you were able to join...

Growing and Monet

This week we have been learning about the artist Monet. We found out that he lived a long time ago, had a big beard, lived in a pink house and painted by making splodges. We liked looking at one of his waterlily paintings and read the story Katie and the Waterlily Pond. In the Creative Area we used blue, green and lilac tissue paper to collage a background to look like the pond. We cut out lily pads and folded tissue paper on top to make the lilies. Our tadpoles are continuing to grow and by the end of the week we could see some tiny legs growing out the back of the tadpoles. Sophia watched Mrs Keith clean the tadpoles out and she was very concerned that she didn't frighten them. Our plants have been growing in the greenhouse and we have been making sure we have been looking after them by watering them. Some were getting too big for the yoghurt pots so we replanted them. Freya noticed that the plants had roots at the bottom. Reception have been looking after some eggs this we...

Welcome back

Welcome back to Nursery. We hope you enjoyed the Easter holidays. We were pleased to see so many children bringing in the seeds they have started to grow. We will be keeping them in the Nursery greenhouse so that the children can continue to look after them and watch how they change over the next few weeks. This week the children told us about what they did in the Easter holidays and drew pictures and wrote about what they did. They were very excited to tell us about all the things they had done. We still have the tadpoles in Nursery but they are growing quickly. This week we fed them cucumber and can see their mouths opening to munch it. We did an experiment with daffodils to see what would happen if we put them in boiling water and what would happen if we put them in the fridge. The daffodils in the fridge look the best at the moment and the ones in boiling water are shrivelling up. On Friday the children helped to celebrate the opening of Redbourn Primary School. Jake, the y...


This week we read the Easter Story and handled some objects to do with Easter; a cross, a chick, an Easter Egg and Hot Cross Buns. We learnt about what happened to Jesus when he was a man and lots of the children could remember when they learnt about Jesus as a baby. We could talk about the objects in relation to the Easter story. We have been practising our cutting skills by cutting around an egg shape. We persevered when we found the curved lines tricky. We sat really well when watching the Year 1 performance of Eddie the Penguin. We enjoyed the singing and some of us even joined in with the words. On Friday we did really well completing the obstacle course for Sports Relief. We also had fun doing stop and move to 'Just Dance.' We have some tadpoles in Nursery and have been looking carefully to see how they are changing. It will be interesting to see how they have grown over the weekend. Next week we are going to be looking at all the sounds we have learnt so far in...